Clayton Sleep Institute Hosts Annual Sleep Conference

9th Annual Updates in Sleep Medicine Conference Features National Sleep Leaders

ST. LOUIS (October 2011) – Clayton Sleep Institute (CSI), in partnership with Sleep Review magazine hosts the 9th Annual Updates in Sleep Medicine 2011. The conference takes place in St. Louis, Mo. at the Four Seasons Hotel beginning on Friday, November 4 and continuing until 12:30 CST on November 5. The annual meeting offers premiere medical and scientific presentations by leaders in sleep medicine on the current trends and latest developments.

Each year, the event attracts sleep specialists, primary care physicians, specialty physicians, nurses, respiratory care practitioners and residents in training from across the United States. The following topics will be covered at this year’s conference:

Managing Circadian Rhythms: Diagnosis and Treatment: this presentation will be given by Mark J. Muehlbach, Ph.D. Dr. Muehlbach is the Clinical Director of the The Clinics at Clayton Sleep Institute. The presentation will help audience members both become familiar with circadian rhythms and identify factors contributing to disruptions in circadian rhythms

Looking Good, Living Long vs Looking Bad, Dying Young: presented by William H. Hang, DDS, MSD. Dr. Hang is the principal and owner of an orthodontic and dentofacial orthopedics practice for both adults and children in Westlake Village, Ca. The presentation will focus on the reasons faces fail to develop forward properly and why this can have an adverse effect on a patient’s airway, resulting in Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

Effective Management of Sleep and Alertness During Emergencies and The Extreme: this topic will be discussed by Claudio Stampi, M.D. Dr. Stampi is Founder and Director of the Chronobiology Research Institute in Boston, Ma. The presentation will discuss his finding that polyphasic sleep is one preferred strategy to optimize effectiveness and to minimize performance and cognitive impairment resulting from sleep reduction during certain around-the-clock situations.

Pulmonary Hypertension and Sleep Apnea: Diagnosis and Treatment: George M. Matuschak, M.D. presents this topic. Dr. Matuschak serves as Clinical Professor of Saint Louis University School of Medicine and staff physician, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Mercy Medical Center, St. Louis, Mo. The presentation will discuss pulmonary arterial hypertension as it relates to Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

Obesity Hypoventilation – More than Just Sleep Apnea: this presentation will be given by David M. Rapoport, M.D. Dr. Rapoport is Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine at New York University School of Medicine, where he serves as Director of the Sleep Medicine Program. His presentation will discuss the differences between OHS and OSAHS and the pathophysiologic mechanisms that lead to hypercapnia in OHS.

Excessive Sleepiness and Narcolepsy in Childhood: presented by Stephen H. Sheldon, D.O. Dr. Sheldon is Professor of Pediatrics, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine and Director of the Sleep Medicine Center of Children’s Memorial Hospital. His presentation covers symptoms of narcolepsy in children and the methods of evaluation and management of a sleepy child.

Talking with Insomnia Patients in 2011 (What to Say When ‘Go AWAY!’ Doesn’t Work): this topic will be discussed by Gary S. Richardson, M.D. Dr. Richardson serves as the Chief Medical Officer for Circadian Medicine, Inc. His presentation discusses the emerging data on the range of normal human sleep behavior and the changing role of medications in the management of insomnia.

Sleep and the Heart: Meir H. Kryger, M.D., D.ABSM discusses this topic. Dr. Kryger is the director of Sleep Medicine Research and Education at Gaylord Hospital in Wallingford, Ct. His presentation covers the potential risk factors in cardiovascular disease that signal a possible sleep disorder.

Update on the Parasomnias: RBD, Sleep Related Eating Disorder, Sexsomnia: presented by Carlos H. Schenck, M.D., D.ABSM. Dr. Schenk serves as Professor and Senior Staff Psychiatrist at the Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis, Minn. His presentation will cover the cardinal features of RBD, SRED and Sexsomnia, including their evaluation and therapy.

Personalized Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Understanding the Individual Pathophysiology: this presentation will be given by David P. White, M.D. Dr. White serves as a Professor of Medicine at the Harvard Medical School, Senior Physician, Division of Sleep Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and as Chief Medical Officer for Phillips Respironics. His presentation will discuss the individual pathophysiologic traits that lead to Obstructive Sleep Apnea and how to use this information to tailor individualized therapy for each apnea patient.

For more information, or to register for the 9th Annual Updates in Sleep Medicine conference, please visit