Take Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder Seriously

We Do.

Circadian Rhythm Disorder is a sleep disorder marked by insomnia or daytime sleepiness that occurs when your body clock is out of sync. If this condition is not addressed and managed, it can drastically affect an individual’s well-being. With proper treatment, however, sufferers can greatly improve their quality of life.

Symptoms and Causes of Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder

This disorder often affects shift workers or people who work overnight. It may also occur in patients with certain diseases, like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. Whether the cause is internal or external, it can cause symptoms such as:

  • Insomnia, excessive sleepiness, or both

  • Nausea

  • Irritability or depression

To determine the exact cause of your or a loved one’s sleep problems, it is necessary to perform a complete sleep study.

We are Dedicated to Finding Solutions for Our Patients

Identifying and treating a sleep disorder requires close attention to health and lifestyle information, as well as individual patient evaluations. CSI is one of the few independent medical clinics in the country that address sleep conditions in all of their complexities.

At Clayton Sleep, we have developed a proprietary process for diagnosing sleep apnea and other sleep disorders and tailoring treatment for each individual client. We lead the way in sleep research and comprehensive care.

Calm And Peaceful Woman Sleeping In Bed In Dark Bedroom

Our Sleep Studies Can Give You the Diagnosis You Need for Better Sleep

Our process is comprehensive and gives you a clear diagnosis and treatment plan to restore healthy sleep.

Close-up Of Doctor And Patient Hands While Doctor Listens To Pat

Get Help for Your Sleep Disorder with a Comprehensive Treatment Plan

There is hope. Sleep disorders are treatable. If you believe you are suffering from a sleep disorder, don’t wait. Respecting what your mind and body are telling you, acknowledging the serious nature of this disorder, and asking for help are the first steps toward better sleep and better health.

 Talk to your doctor about the CSI Insomnia Center


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