Clayton Sleep Institute Partners with Pinckneyville Community Hospital

Leading sleep medicine organization provides comprehensive sleep testing services

in Illinois hospital specialty clinic setting

ST. LOUIS (Sept. 27, 2017)Clayton Sleep Institute (CSI) is partnering with Pinckneyville Community Hospital in Pinckneyville, Ill., to provide comprehensive sleep testing and diagnostic services as part of the hospital’s specialty clinics. Together, CSI and Pinckneyville Community Hospital offer patients complete, local sleep testing and sleep disorder screening services using state-of-the-art diagnostic technology.

“We are delighted to work with Pinckneyville Community Hospital to provide high quality sleep medicine services to Pinckneyville and surrounding communities,” said Dr. Joseph Ojile, founder and CEO of Clayton Sleep Institute. “We’re working together to deliver world-class sleep medicine, locally.”

“Improving our specialty clinics to provide these enhanced sleep medicine services is part of our program to bring the best possible medical services to our community,” noted Randall Dauby, administrator and CEO of Pinckneyville Community Hospital. “We’re very pleased to partner with Clayton Sleep Institute.”


The sleep lab provides a full-range of tests for sleep apnea, including overnight sleep polysomnography – the gold-standard test for obstructive sleep apnea – split-night study that combines a diagnostic test with treatment test of equipment, and home sleep apnea tests. CSI’s registered polysomnographic technologists will staff the patient testing and local board-certified sleep physicians as well as CSI’s sleep medicine specialists will interpret the test results. CSI will provide the diagnostic equipment and supplies for the sleep clinic and will manage appointment scheduling, confirmations and facilitate communications with referring physicians


“Patients that have a sleep study with us will be on the path for diagnosis and treatment of issues keeping them from healthy sleep and possibly contributing to other health concerns. They will learn about the quality of their breathing during sleep and the quality of their sleep,” said Eric Campbell, specialty clinic manager for the hospital. “We also have the capabilities to screen patients for sleep apnea, periodic limb movement disorder, and narcolepsy, all right here in Pinckneyville.”


The sleep clinic includes two patient rooms with hotel-scale amenities including pillowtop mattresses, television and private bathrooms. During the sleep test, registered polysomnographic technicians will monitor and record brain waves, breathing, heart rhythms and blood oxygen levels.


Requests for sleep study appointments can be made by calling 618-600-5271 or faxing a signed physician’s order to 314-645-6446.


About Clayton Sleep Institute:

Clayton Sleep Institute (CSI) is a leading independent institution dedicated to all aspects of sleep medicine and sleep health.  CSI serves patients and physician and business partners through three practice areas:  The Sleep Clinics, The Insomnia Center and The CSI Research Center.  CSI creates a 360-degree program for the complex physiological, behavioral, emotional and communal elements of sleep medicine and sleep health.  Headquartered in St. Louis, Mo., CSI has sleep clinics in six markets and serves a national community of sleep professionals through the annual conference, Updates in Sleep Medicine.  CSI works in partnership with The Clayton Sleep Research Foundation to advance the science and education of sleep and sleep health.  For more information about CSI, its practices, partnerships and locations, visit



About Pinckneyville Community Hospital:

Pinckneyville Community Hospital is a critical access hospital that is leading the way to a healthier tomorrow. The hospital provides local access to quality and convenient healthcare by providing a 24-hour emergency department; 17 bed medical floor offering inpatient, observation and transitional care; Family Medical Center; Cancer Care; infusion therapy; surgery; therapies; laboratory services and specialty clinics close to home.