Loretta Colvin, APN, Serves as Faculty at Arkansas Sleep Conference

Loretta Colvin, APN, RN, CRNP, will present effects of health care industry on sleep centers

ST. LOUIS (February 25, 2013) –  Clayton Sleep Institute (CSI) announces Loretta Colvin, clinical consultant, nurse practitioner and director of CSI Knowledge for CSI, will present Embracing Change Before it Crushes You: Community Based Sleep Center Considerations at the Arkansas Sleep 2013 conference on March 2.  Colvin’s presentation focuses on how the dramatic changes in the health care industry are affecting sleep centers. Colvin will deliver key operational changes that must be implemented in order for sleep centers to achieve financial success. In addition, she will outline the evolving role of sleep medicine providers in the changing environments.

“I’m excited for the opportunity to speak at this conference,” said Colvin. “The importance of adapting to the changes we see in health care is vital for sleep professionals to continue delivering quality sleep medicine to their patients.  For sleep centers to remain profitable in the future, certain operational changes need to be implemented.”

Colvin was recently published in Sleep Review on the role practice nurses and physician assistants have in sleep centers as the health care industry changes. In addition, Colvin has been an invited speaker for the Nurse Practitioner Association of Maryland. She has presented and taught for an accredited continuing education sleep conference for physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists and sleep technologists.

In evaluating and treating patients with sleep disorders, Colvin specializes in the education and support of both sleep apnea patients and insomnia treatment at CSI. Colvin also develops the sleep health and wellness programs at CSI, which includes outreach through community and business programs.

About Clayton Sleep Institute

Clayton Sleep Institute (CSI) is a leading independent institution dedicated to all aspects of sleep medicine and sleep health.  CSI serves patients and physician and business partners through four practice areas:  The Sleep Clinics, The Insomnia Center, The Research Center and The Knowledge Center.  Headquartered in St. Louis, MO, CSI has seven sleep clinics in four markets and serves a national community of sleep professionals through Updates in Sleep Medicine, an annual conference. For more information about CSI, its practices, partnerships and locations, visit www.claytonsleep.com.